Baitussalam Welfare Trust believes that everyone should have access to health care services regardless of their socioeconomic class. Denying health care to a child is the same as encouraging stunted growth, denying healthcare to pregnant women is the same as refusing her right to safe pregnancy. People should not be denied the right of a vision checkup or cataract surgery or any other basic procedure which allows them to live a healthy mundane life by poor socioeconomic backgrounds. Donation for food distribution
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Say, do you want to try full spectrum cbd oil with thc to improve your health? Do you agree with me that this should be bought only in trusted stores. Personally, I found my favorite Cornbread Hemp store in one of the review articles and it turned out to be the best. I really like the beneficial effects of cbd on my body. My headaches are now much less severe, I do not experience nervous tension and sleep well. This is an excellent health supplement, so I highly recommend everyone to try it.